Critical Reflections on Professional Learning During Covid-19: Context, Practice and Change
Reflections of South African higer education learning and teaching professionals in response to the changing higher education landscape during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Preliminary pages
Chapter 01: Moving beyond the classroom to embrace teaching and learning in a virtual space
Chapter 02: Transformative pedagogies in teaching, learning and assessment (TLA) during the Covid-19 crisis
Chapter 03: The journey into e-learning is one of me-learning – reflection and changing pedagogical practices in an online world
Chapter 04: Online engagement with students during a pandemic: lessons learned in first- year mega psychology classes
Chapter 05: Reflections from implementing a faculty strategy for academic professional learning during a global pandemic
Chapter 06: Building online communities: Exploring the conditions for interpersonal and cognitive connections
Chapter 07: Catalytic power of a pandemic: On enacting agency in professional higher education spaces through communities of practice
Chapter 08: I am still here: Lessons learned from incorporating social presence in remote teaching
Chapter 09: Narrowing the geographical divide: A critical reflection of an a ordance of the Covid-19 pandemic for collaborative professional learning and development
Chapter 10: Exploring the interplay of confidence, authenticity and risk through professional learning
Chapter 11: Reflecting on the online teaching space as a ‘boundary object’ in pandemic times: Making the invisible visible in an academic literacy course
Chapter 12: Reflecting on Pivoting to Emergency Remote Online Teaching and Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown: Feedback from three English Second Language (ESL) teachers
Chapter 13: Higher Education versus Covid-19 Impact: Toward an Inclusive Higher EducationReflections on UCT’s Emergency Remote Learning and Teaching from a student perspective
Chapter 14: Getting the balance right: Reflecting on the ‘study pack’ as a pedagogic tool for self-directed learning in an Extended Curriculum Programme during the Covid-19 pandemic
Chapter 15: Using a transformative learning pedagogy remotely: Reflections of early career academics in the context of Covid-19
Chapter 16: Developing learning partnerships in the Postgraduate classroom
Chapter 17: Guiding information-finding missiles: A reflection on adapting assessments to maximise student learning in the online environment
Chapter 18: Reflections on a compulsory ‘dance-at-home’ course for pre-service student teachers during lockdown
Chapter 19: Writing centre tutors’ experiences and perceptions of online academic support: Reflecting on the digital transformation during the Covid-19 pandemic
Chapter 20: Rethinking (English) academic literacy practices during a pandemic: Mobility and multimodality
Chapter 21: Transition to Online Pedagogy During Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflecting on Experiences and Perceptions of Lecturers and Students

October 26, 2022
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